The dance craft challenge provides opportunities for kids and teens to compete with other dancing kids and to get rewards for all the work they put in during the year.
It will grow to a platform to scout talented youngsters and reward them with jobs, scholarships and endorsements.
The competition is open to schools, dance studios and independent participants to compete in any genre. Entries will be accepted in Solos, Duos and small groups.
1. Eligibility
1.1 Age Categories
Participants must fall within the following age Levels:
- Mini: 3-5 years
- Junior: 6-10 years
- Preteen: 11-13 years
- Teen: 14-18 years
For groups and duos, the average of all their ages will determine the levels they fall in.
1.2 Entry Types
Entries are accepted in the following categories:
- Solos
- Duos
- Groups (minimum of 3 participants)
1.3 Entry Sources
Entries are accepted from schools, dance studios, or independent performers.
2. Registration
2.1 Submission Deadline
All entries must be submitted by the specified deadline which is 30th December 2023. Late submissions will have to contact organizers directly.
2.2 Registration Fee
A non-refundable registration fee (N5,000) is applicable per entry.
2.3 Confirmation
Participants will receive a confirmation of their entry along with additional event details upon successful registration.
3. Performances
3.1 Duration
- Solos: Maximum 3 minutes
- Duos: Maximum 4 minutes
- Groups: Maximum 5 minutes
3.2 Music
Participants are responsible for providing their performance music in the required format. Submissions must be made before the specified deadline. Live music is accepted but must be played by participants withing the age category they entered for. Dancing participants should not exceed 5 where participants are playing music, but the whole ensemble should not exceed 12participants
3.3 Props and Costumes
Props and costumes must be safe and suitable for the performance. Dangerous or inappropriate items are strictly prohibited.
4. Judging
4.1 Judging Criteria
Performances will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Technical skills
- Creativity and originality
- Expression and emotion
- Overall performance
4.2 Judges’ Decisions
Judges’ decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Scores and feedback will be provided to participants after the competition.
5. Awards
5.1 Categories
Awards will be presented in each age category. There has to be at least 5 registered entries for an age category to qualify for Cash prizes.
5.2 Prizes
Attractive prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third-place winners in each category.
5.3 Recognition
Certificates of participation will be provided to all entries.
6. Code of Conduct
6.1 Sportsmanship
Participants, coaches, and spectators are expected to uphold the principles of good sportsmanship and fair play.
6.2 Respect
Respect must be shown to all participants, judges, event staff, and fellow attendees.
6.3 Compliance
Participants must comply with all rules and regulations set forth by the Dance Craft Challenge organizing committee.
7. Photography and Videography
7.1 Media Release
By participating, all attendees grant permission for the use of their images or videos for promotional purposes related to the Dance Craft Challenge.
7.2 Professional Recording
Professional photography and videography services will be available for purchase.
8. Amendments
8.1 Changes
The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes to the rules and regulations as deemed necessary. Participants will be notified of any changes in advance.